Hi I’m Ilana.
I’m a Ilana and I’m a Kinesiologyist, energy coach and mentor (reiki & more), yoga and meditation teacher, wholefood lover, entrepreneur and have 12+ years working in the corporate world as a CPA accountant.
I help women and children (& some men), shift their zest, vibes and energy so they can live authentic, content and happy lives.
Through my own health journey with chronic fatigue and auto-immune disease I truely believes that slowing down life, finding moments of stillness, living in the now and listening to your bodies inner wisdom and intuition are truly the biggest assets in life.
I’m a big believer in living in alignment with the cycles and daily energy of life: the seasons, moon and my menstrual cycle.
Originally from Gippsland Australia, I now live in Bayside Melbourne and spends my days with clients, teaching yoga and meditation, writing, dancing, cooking and spending as much time at the beach as I can.
“Being yourself requires vulnerability, awareness and self love.”

My personal growth journey really started at the beginning of 2014. Back then i worked in a large organisation as a chartered accountant and i was the perfect employee – a workaholic, perfectionist, people pleaser, organised, reliable and 100% responsible for not only my own work, but that of others. A few years prior i was also studied my degree and CPA part time for 9 long years while working full time. I was striving for great career opportunities and always seeking approval and gratification from my superiors.
Outside of work i had a very active social life, loving partner, healthy diet, exercised daily, did 4-5 dance sessions a week and so from the outside observer I looked like a perfectly healthy, happy and energised 29 year old in the prime of her career and life. However, looks can be deceiving because on the Inside I was far from “healthy” – fatigued, stressed, depleted, burnout, overwhelmed, highly anxious, sleep deprived, lacked confidence, was unfulfilled and even depressed. But if you had of asked me this my response would have been, “I’m fine, i’m just tired, i can handle it, I’m OK really”, Really? Really? Not at all!
The week of my 30th birthday my life as I knew it changed forever. I was diagnosed with chronic fatigue, adrenal fatigue & lyme like diseases! Slap…… talk about a massive message from my mind, body and soul saying “wake up”! And that’s exactly what I had to do, evaluate the life I was currently living. And guess what? It’s the best thing that happened to me…….Yay!
While this journey has not been easy by any stretch or means, I have learnt a great deal about health, the mind, energy, business and myself. Not only do I know what boundaries are now, but I understand the importance of self care, self love and how to say that little word that can be so hard at times called “NO”. I have found out who i am and what my values are in life and the importance of practicing self care DAILY!
This healing journey lead me to my true calling and purpose as Kinesiologist, yoga and meditation teacher, mentor and to educating others. I am passionate about being able to serve my clients and students in their own life’s journey and who want to learn and embrace the importance of self care and living in flow with the cycles of life.

- I’m a Taurus with a virgo moon. As an earth sign I thrive on stability, consistency, ambition (sometimes too much) and love a good plan. I can be stubborn and perfectionistic, but highly aware of it.
- Dance and music fills my soul. I enjoyed ballet, jazz, tap the works from age 5 and now enjoy Latin and Brazilian dancing.
- I’m a highly sensitive person (yes there is such a thing), so I need more recharge alone time than most. I’m sensitive to sounds, light and large crowds.
- Cacao and I are great lovers, although being sensitive i’m not friends with caffeine, sugar, gluten and diary. Moderation is my learnt moto.
- Growing up in Gippsland brought me a deep connection with nature, the sun, beach and outdoor living.
- I owned a cafe in Fitzroy Melbourne with my partner Noah.
- My current obsession is syncing my work and life in alignment with my menstrual cycle and teaching other women to do the same.