Laksa + Veg Soup

This has got to be one of my all time go to soups & have been making for years and years. PASTE: Process the following ingredients in a food processor or blender until pureed as fine as possible (stop to scrape side occasionally). — 6 long red chillies, seeded if desired, coarsely chopped (100g)—1 large […]

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Zucchini Fritters

These zucchini fritters have become a weekend staple in our house. Mix and match sides depending on the season. Simple, easy, gluten-free and vegan friendly. INGREDIENTS (makes 8 fritters) 1 medium to large zucchini 1/2 cup pea’s or corn 3-4 tablespoons chickpea or buckwheat flour or flour of choice. 1 tablespoon tahini mixed with 1-2 […]

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Autumn Energy

Autumn is a very special season of the year— as daylight savings ends here in Melbourne Australia, days shorten, the weather starts to cool and we begin to start our transition into a more yin phase, season and energy of the year. Read more about this little insight here.

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Ilana K