Pilates For The Mind, Body and Soul With Luisa Bomba

Any form of exercise can be a movement meditation with the right intention.

In this podcast we explore how pilates is more than just physical exercise and discuss how the principles of pilates can assist you to create a conscious mind and body connection with pilates teacher and business owner Luisa Bomba.

Let’s stay connected. Head to Instagram: @ilanak.kinesiology

Ask Ilana: new addition to the podcast! Submit your question using this form and I’ll pick one a month to answer on the show.


Website: bodhialign.com.au
Instagram: @bodhialignpilates


Website: ilanak.com.au
Facebook: ilana.Kinesiology
Instagram: ilanaK.Kinesiology
Free 20min connect calls: bit.ly/ilanakconnectcall
Work 1:1: ilanak.com.au/work-with-me/
Mentoring: ilanak.com.au/mentoring/
Women’s Energy Oracle Cards: ilanak.com.au/oraclecards/

Ilana K