Feminine and Masculine Energy In Relationships With Aston Simmonds | E180

One of my biggest light bulb moments I had many years ago after a relationship break-up was reading a book that taught me the difference between Masculine and Feminine energies and how they influence our intimate relationships. And boy do they!

In this episode we will explore the simple principles of Feminine and Masculine Energy with podcast host, author, speaker, and relationship coach Aston Simmonds.

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Ask Ilana: new addition to the podcast! Submit your question using this form and I’ll pick one a month to answer on the show.


Website: astonsimmonds.com
Instagram: @aston_simmonds
Podcast: podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/worthy-woman/id1596639860
YouTube Channel: youtube.com/@astonsimmonds?si=qOl9J4-CN40Uf2W8


Website: ilanak.com.au
Instagram: ilanaK.Kinesiology
Facebook: ilana.Kinesiology
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Ilana K