How To Shift Anger in 2 Minutes or Less | E186

Have you ever found yourself feeling overwhelmed by anger, frustration, irritability, or negativity? Do these emotions surface often, especially when facing the pressures of daily life, such as parenthood, work, or running a business?

In this episode, Ilana shares a powerful tool to navigate through these emotions in under two minutes. By following her guidance on using this technique, listeners can release anger and frustration, gain clarity, and move forward with renewed optimism quickly. This simple yet effective tool can be used anywhere and is a valuable resource for emotional well-being.

In this episode you will learn:

– An introduction to a tool to navigate through anger, frustration, irritability, or negativity in under two minutes
– Personal anecdotes about dealing with these emotions, especially in the context of parenthood and running a business
– Introduction of acupressure point liver 14, located below the nipple, to help release these emotions
– Explanation of the metaphysical aspects of this point, empowering hope and aspiration
– Instruction on how to use this technique, including rubbing the point and using
– Discussion on the benefits of this technique for emotional well-being and clarity
– Invitation to join upcoming events and retreats for further energy work and self-care opportunities

Let’s stay connected. Head to Instagram: @ilanak.kinesiology

Ask Ilana: new addition to the podcast! Submit your question using this form and I’ll pick one a month to answer on the show.


Instagram: ilanaK.Kinesiology
Facebook: ilana.Kinesiology
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