April Energy Forecast

Welcome to a brand-new month! As we enter into the fourth month of 2023 and the second quarter, this month’s energy forecast will share the importance of listening to your guidance sources more and creating a little more harmony and balance between doing and being.

In this episode we discuss:

— Update about what’s been happening in my world
— April energy forecast
— April moon and Equinox updates
— Ilana’s intuitive energy supports for the month
— And much more!

Let’s stay connected. Head to Instagram: @ilanak.kinesiology

Ask Ilana: new addition to the podcast! Submit your question using this form and I’ll pick one a month to answer on the show.


Website: ilanak.com.au
Facebook: ilana.Kinesiology
Instagram: ilanaK.Kinesiology
Free 20min connect calls: bit.ly/ilanakconnectcall
Work 1:1: ilanak.com.au/work-with-me/
Mentoring: ilanak.com.au/mentoring/
Women’s Energy Oracle Cards: ilanak.com.au/oraclecards/

Ilana K